An epic walk at the very edge of Yorkshire - along the cliffs at Flamborough Head

Walk Info
7 miles (11.3km)
Minimum time
4 hours
Total ascent
134 ft (41m)
Level of difficulty
Well defined paths & coastal walk -
some fairly steep sections
Grid TA 22668 70602
Keep on leads
Off street B1255
Public Transport
Bus - 510 from Bridlington
On route - in Flamborough village

 Walk Overview

  • Car parking is best on Chapel Street in Flamborough village.

  • With the village green behind you, walk past the memorial and head northwards along Chapel Street - B1255.

  • Chapel Street turns into Woodcock Road as it veers to the right.

  • After a petrol station on the right, the road renames itself again as North Marine Road.  Stay walking on this road.

  • The buildings on the right eventually give way to fields.

  • Walk alongside of the hedgerow on the left, with open fields on the right.

  • Eventually, the Thornwick Bay Holiday Park will be on the left and Thornwick Farm straight on.

  • Follow the signs to go around the farm, and turn right so the Holiday Park is behind you.

  • At the end of this path is a junction, with the track to the left going to Thornwick Bay Cafe.  To continue the walk, carry straight on, but if you want to visit Thornwick Bay, take the signposted path between the two tracks.

  • The footpath heads off the track on the left to hug the coastline to enter the Flamborough Cliffs Nature Reserve.

  • Be careful with young children next to the cliff edge here, and keep dosg on leads on this section.

  • Follow the path around as it hugs the coastline until you reach the car park for the North Landing Cafe.

  • The dog-friendly beach at North Landing is down the path to the left.

  • The walk continues to the left of the cafe, and again follows the coastline on top of the cliffs, with the North Sea on the left.

  • The path eventually takes a right angle and then another as the path joins the B1259 Lighthouse Road for a while.  Turn left on the road to head towards the Lighthouse at Flamborough Head.

  • The walk continues around the back of the Lighthouse and away from the car park.  This straight track heads down to the Fog Signal Station, before the path turns right to once again hug the coastline along the cliff tops.

  • The walk follows the cliffs for just over 2 miles, before some steep steps drop you down to South Landing.  Then, some further steep steps climb back up to the top of the cliffs.

  • Turn to follow the next footpath on the right, which heads back towards Flamborough village.

  • After passing Beacon Farm on the right, veer left to continue on West Street.

  • West Street meets the main road of Church Street.  Turn right to continue along Church Street - B1255.

  • After the corner and the junction with Lighthouse Road on the right, the remains of Flamborough Castle can be seen on the left.

  • The road is now called Tower Street and continuing along it brings you back to the monument and the village green at the start of the walk.

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