Bridlington Old Town

Bridlington Old Town down what is now Westgate and the Old Town High Street.

A large Augustinian monastery was built at the end of the High Street in the early 12th Century and Bridlington Town was built around this.

Today the Old Town is said to have one of the most complete Georgian High Streets in England and the Priory Church celebrated its 900th anniversary. The Prince Of Wales & The Duchess Of Cornwall visited in July 2013.

Henry Vth visited its shrine of St John of Bridlington on his return from his famous victory at Agincourt.Many Plgrims visited the shrine from all over England.

Henry VIII Dissolved the monastery in the 16th Century.

The Old Town also has connections to Dick Turpin,the famous Highwayman who attended the Horse Fairs on Priory Green,before he was caught & hung in York.

There are no large chain shops in the High Street instead there are art galleries, antique businesses, tea rooms, a typewriter shop, a clock repairers, pubs, restaurants, The Bayle Museum, a reptile specialist, a secondhand bookshop, a vintage clothes shop and many other fascinating places. Hockney Prints can be bought from the Old Town.The Hockney Trail begins in Bridlington !!

The Bayle Museum now houses a museum dedicated to the history of the Town Of Bridlington,with life size figures,Interactive Games and Fun for all the family.

There are two festivals & Markets held in Summer and Late Autumn (Dickensian Festival) which are particularly worth visiting.

Also Very Popular is ‘The Secret Gardens’ Event in mid –Summer -well worth visiting.

Bridlington Old Town also has The World’s Loudest Town Crier,David Hinde who was appointed Bridlington Town Crier in the Queens Diamond Jubilee Year in 2012. and is a Member of The Ancient & Honourable Guild Of Town Criers.There is a fascinating history of Town Criers in the Old Town dating back to The Granting of Markets & Fairs by King John in 1200.Dickie Fletcher the 1820’s Town Crier whose portrait hangs in the Tasmanian Art Gallery.

There is an Excellent Bridlington Old Town Trail available for visitors

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